Tuesday 1 December 2015

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Tuesday 5 May 2015

HTTP Application Tutorial Injector for Best Free Internet

HTTP Application Tutorial Injector for Best Free Internet

On this occasion I would like to share tricks free internet using HTTP application Injector, a glimpse of HTTP Injector or commonly abbreviated Hl is a free application in the Android the most popular today. This application is capable of running on android SSH trick WITHOUT ROOT and should perform like Psiphon and other applications. HTTP Injector can also access all of the default browser even diandroid this app allows you to stream youtube and play online games on the internet. You are interested in using it, please download applications and tutorials that I give below.

Surely free internet users are not familiar with this one tool. This time I will share a simple way to use the tools that we are familiar with Http Injector. Before using Http Injector You can download the application.


1. Prepare the SSH account is still active.


2. Open the application and enter a proxy port payload and according to your SC.

3. Enter the SSH account.

4. Select one of the methods that iptables or VPN.

 5. Then check all the port forwarding, advanced, feature set, upstream proxy or can you equate as shown.
 6. In the column enter the proxy address
8989 is the standard port listen Http Injector.

7. Click start wait until successful.

If using a VPN, click the checkbox and ok.

8. Http Injector is connected.

9. If it is used for the internet can not (blank) you can add the Proxy Manager, Proxy Droid, AutoProxy and so on.

10. I try to use the Proxy Manager. Put proxy type (SOCKS5), the proxy host ( and proxy port (1080).

11. It is Ok, live test speed.

To check the latest version update http injector may check in Play Store.    

  Thank you very much...