Thursday 11 September 2014

Powerful Ways To Blog Appear first page Google

Blog ways that appear on the first page of google. would love it if your blog perched at the top of google or at least not enough to be on the first page alone was already grateful. well not .. Eitss but not easy for a blog in that position.
Why is that ??yes because of the intense competition among bloggers especially when targeted by keywords on us much in use by other bloggers.Continues how the solution ??Take it easy buddy simply follow the steps below and do not forget to keep praying to the Almighty.

Optimize your blog description with keywords related to your blog.
Optimize the keywords in each post. (uncomplicated) sufficient to give the sign of keywords with bold, italic and underline
Show entire post title pal in the sidebar or select titles by attractive mate.
Post regularly, at least 4 times a week or more of good post every day
Visiting and commenting on blog friends or links shoutbox do not forget to include your blog address.
Invite other bloggers to exchange links.
List your blog in the web directory like,,,
Submit your blog url in the web directory like,,, and others
Advertise your blog on sites for free advertising service providers like,,,, http: // www,,, etc.
Promote verbally: to friends or acquaintances pal. For example: "you try to open my blog, just type" altotyo "Google"

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Most Easy and Effective Ways that Crowded Blog Visitors

The Most Easy and Powerful order Blog Crowded visitors. how the average end / visitors who come keblog friend every day? 10,100, 1000 or 10,000 people? which clearly make the bloggermania definitely want blog crowded, not to mention wongcungkup.

Maybe for bloggers who have long existed visitors are not a problem anymore, but for a beginner like me bogger number of visitors will be a major problem. why make many posts when no one reads. yes anyway ????

In attracting visitors come keblog we were influenced by many factors, which will include authors reviewed and summarized from various sources below:

make the original posting is not the result of copy and paste from other blogs. my friend can seek a reference from the search engines and edited using my friend's own language
finished creating the post immediately do a ping. ping is a notification that no renewal of our blog. my friend can ping a manual in, buddy follow the steps and check all checked all. This ping will notify to the various search engines
responsibility of each blog comments buddy, so expect visitors to feel cared for and will pay a visit back
Pay a visit keblog others (blogwalking) especially those with DA and PA are high, and leave the good comments on topic that deign to visit the blog owner behind. PA DA and explanations can be read in the article: Understanding Domain and Page authority.
follow blogs that you visit, can follow g +, fan page on facebook, twitter or also subscribe via email. hoping the blog admin will follow back.
looking for a quality backlink, man also must know how to determine quality backlink
register your blog to google and bing webmaster tool webmaster tools (instead of yahoo)
update !!! : Most Convenient and Effective Way in order to Blogs Crowded next visitor is make useful articles or at most searchable by keyword interesting, so hopefully our articles there first page of search engines such as Google or Yahoo, and will open a lot of people
make an anchor text of each article, meaning each article to add links to our other articles at least two that is above and the middle like this: 5 ranking cause our blog down. by adding the anchor text of expected visitors will open up our other article and would like to be our blog
create a blog that has articles gado - gado mean not merely the topics but blind, but some topics but which a lot like this blog that puts four topics, namely: software, music, business tips and tricks
wait and do it continuously and if 9 above manner has been done we just wait and pray